Understanding the preposition DE (1/3): back to the basics with brushing up the articles! Lately I've received a lot of questions from listeners about the use of the preposition DE (and also the preposition A). These prepositions constitute such a challenge for many students that I decided to make a series of 3 episodes to explain these and help as many of you as possible. First, I want you to start on solid bases so I'll run you through the 3 different types of articles in French (definite, indefinite and partitive articles). We'll pay particular attention to the meaning of "des" and … Read More →
FYW 104 : Why do you say “à l’est de l’Australie” but “l’Ambassade d’Australie”?
It can be hard to tell when to use the preposition DE by itself (as in: "l'Ambassade d’Australie") and when to use it with an article (à l'est de l’Australie). I’m will help you with it in this episode! Vocabulary and Spelling of the French Words mentioned in this episode De l’eau --> un verre d’eau Du champagne --> une coupe de champagne De la soupe --> un bol de soupe Du sucre --> 2 cuillères à soupe de sucre Des fraises (il y a des fraises dans le frigo) ?--> pas DE fraise L’Australie --> à l’est de l’Australie La France --> la Provence est dans le sud de la … Read More →