Many words in French and English are similar or look similar. That’s lucky because it helps with learning vocabulary faster. However, these words sometimes means something very different in the two languages! In this case, they are called “faux amis”, false friends, or false cognates. Here’s a list of 5 common false friends so you don’t make the mistake! False friends, part 1: Episode 85- False friends, part 2: Episode 103- False friends, part 3: Episode 118 - False friends, … Read More →
FYW 146 : False friends (faux amis) – supporter
In today's episode I wanted to go over both the English and French words "supporter" and their meanings. Vocabulary and Spelling of the French Words mentioned in this episode Un supporter (English pronunciation) = supporter nm supporteur, supportrice supporter une équipe = support, back, cheer on (sports team) (Politics) sympathisant, sympathisante (of idea) défenseur, partisan Prendre parti = to take side Supporter = to support, to hold up (a weight) Ces vieilles poutres supportent encore le toit.= These old beams still support the roof supporter = put up with, accept, tolerate, … Read More →
FYW 135 : False friends (faux amis): inhabitant
In today's episode I wanted to go over words derived from "habiter"; I have been confused myself because some are actually false friends in English and in French! Increase your French vocabulary, learn about the origin of words and even become an expert in French real estate terminology! Vocabulary and Spelling of the French Words mentioned in this episode Habiter = to live, to reside,to inhabit Un habitat = a habitat (natural environment) Une habitation : a house, a home, a dwelling Un,e habitant,e = an inhabitant, a resident Inhabité = uninhabited habitable =liveable, habitable Les … Read More →
FYW 133 : PART 4 – 10 common false friends (= faux amis) in French and English
Many words in French and English are similar or look similar. That’s lucky because it helps with learning vocabulary faster. However, these words sometimes means something very different in the two languages! In this case, they are called “faux amis”, false friends, or false cognates. Here’s a list of 10 common false friends so you don’t make the mistake! False friends, part 1: Episode 85- False friends, part 2: Episode 103- False friends, part 3: Episode 118 - Vocabulary and … Read More →
FYW 118 : PART 3 – 10 Common False Friends (= Faux Amis) in French and English
Many words in French and English are similar or look similar. That’s lucky because it helps with learning vocabulary faster. However, these words sometimes means something very different in the two languages! In this case, they are called “faux amis”, false friends, or false cognates. Here’s a list of 10 common false friends so you don’t make the mistake! Vocabulary and Spelling of the French Words mentioned in this episode Un bouton = a button ; a pimple, a spot La monnaie = the small change, the spare change Une journée = a day; daytime Une déception = a disppointment, a … Read More →
FYW 103 : PART 2 – 10 common false friends (= faux amis) in French and English
Many words in French and English are similar or look similar. That’s lucky because it helps with learning vocabulary faster. However, these words sometimes means something very different in the two languages! In this case, they are called “faux amis”, false friends, or false cognates. Here’s a list of 10 common false friends so you don’t make the mistake! Vocabulary and Spelling of the French Words mentioned in this episode Bouton (nm) = button ; pimple ; button, knob, switch ; bud (plants) Monnaie (nf) = spare change, small change Argent (nm) = money Journée (nf) = day, daytime Voyage … Read More →
FYW 085 : 10 common false friends (= faux amis) in French and English
Many words in French and English are similar or look similar. That’s lucky because it helps with learning vocabulary faster. However, these words sometimes means something very different in the two languages! In this case, they are called “faux amis”, false friends, or false cognates. Here’s a list of the 10 common false friends that came to my mind first! Vocabulary and Spelling of the French Words mentioned in this episode Actuellement = currently Les actualités = the news, the current affair En fait = actually Finalement / un jour = eventually Éventuellement = potentially Une … Read More →
FYW 059 : French “déception” vs English “deception”: same same, or different?
While my original goal in making this episode was to point out and therefore help you memorise better the difference between "deception" in French and "deception" in English, I was surprised to find out that the two words were more related than I thought! Insights into the origins of words is so fascinating! Come on board for a short French vocabulary session…we’ll also do a tiny bit of French conjugation ;-) Can you think of other words that look similar in French and English but actually have different meanings? Please share them in the comment section of the episode, get the conversation … Read More →